There was a time not so long ago when I did not think I would ever be writing these words....and especially not so soon. The Lord has again been very kind to us and even in the 2 months since we have been here has already started to knit our hearts to some of the people at our new church. To be honest, I'm simply amazed. I'm almost astonished to be writing these words, but it is the truth and I worship God because things that we can't orchestrate He can and is. The words formed in my mind last night to tell Don "Thank you for bringing me here" and while I can't quite go there yet, I did honestly say "I'm glad to be with you." We are getting really good teaching at SW. Our kids are doing great and loving church. Our "care group" is phenomenal even though it is really, really small. We are getting to know those in it and Tom leading it is just an amazing blessing to us - not to mention that he really knows where we're coming from - they made this same transition 30 years ago. We are 2 minutes from church. TWO. That means that we can eat supper at 5:15 p.m. and still make it to church by 6:00 - amazing. Phil and Karen and their son came over yesterday for lunch (and though I have a lot to learn about hosting Sunday dinner) it was a great time. We really like them and already have lots of respect for them. Our Sunday School class is great and really amazing how many finer nuances of "theology and doctrine" - that would not be fellowship issues at all - we totally agree upon. I told Don yesterday is it like so encouraging to me that men that do not really know or associate with each other (those from SW and our old church) can have so many times exactly the same beliefs and philosophy of ministry. It is really a testimony to God and His Word and His Spirit working in the hearts of believers.
We surely still do miss the Bible Church. As I was sitting in worship yesterday morning enjoying the singing and then captivated by the preaching the thought occurred to me - "Oh no! I haven't even thought about our family in LR this morning! I haven't wondered whether the Cranford's made it to church or what the choir is singing or etc. etc." So I guess by the Lord's doing, certainly not by me trying very hard, this place is becoming more "home." That is what is needed. That is what people on both sides of the MS are praying for us. So all I can do is sit back and say "Thank you, Lord. My heart is in Your hands, turn it where ever You will."
We surely still do miss the Bible Church. As I was sitting in worship yesterday morning enjoying the singing and then captivated by the preaching the thought occurred to me - "Oh no! I haven't even thought about our family in LR this morning! I haven't wondered whether the Cranford's made it to church or what the choir is singing or etc. etc." So I guess by the Lord's doing, certainly not by me trying very hard, this place is becoming more "home." That is what is needed. That is what people on both sides of the MS are praying for us. So all I can do is sit back and say "Thank you, Lord. My heart is in Your hands, turn it where ever You will."