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the things of the Spirit

"For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace" Romans 8:3-6

As one could easily pick out from my previous entries, I'm currently reading through the book of Romans. It's kind of funny, but God seems to think that Don and I need A LOT of this book - and I agree! Don's listened to John Piper, Lance Quinn, Curtis Thomas and George Zemek preach through Romans. I've heard Lance and Dr. Z. Now, at what will most likely be our new church, Phil Newton is starting to preach through a new book in January - guess which one? Romans. So in preparation for that sermon series I'm re-reading the book - and (though I shouldn't be) quite frankly amazed at how much I STILL don't understand! (and how much more I understand but don't consistently practice). Today, I read chapter 7 - and because chapter 8 is my favorite chapter in the Bible, could not stop at 7, but read most of 8 as well.

So here is the question I ask myself after reading "am I setting my mind on the things of the Spirit?" and "what does it mean to set your mind on the things of the Spirit?" and "what are the things of the Spirit?" Now you'd think I'd remember this from all the teaching (and maybe I should go back and listen to it again! Lance started Romans the month before my first child was born, and then #2 was born 21 months later, so I was in and out of the nursing room, then nursery, and staying home with sick kids etc. - not to give an excuse, but just looking at the reality of the past 4 years :-) )

I think this is one of those "this is who you are" statements and at the same time "this is who you should be". Definitely, if you are a believer, you are (8:9) "in the Spirit". I think if I were to remember to ask myself the question "am I setting my mind on the things of the Spirit" that I could probably (maybe not always) answer that one. Too often, my mind is set on the drudgery of the day or being anxious over x-y-z. Let us take, for instance, a very frequent thing I think and pray about - the salvation of my children. One might think "ah, she's constantly praying for the salvation of her children - what a wonderful way to set her mind on the things of the Spirit." Honestly, when I first read this verse I thought that. But then I started examining what I actually think about when I am so concerned for their salvation. Do I focus on the character of the Saviour-God? Do I remember verses that points out how He loves to save sinners? Do I counsel myself by remembering that salvation is all of Him? Do I pray that He would receive the glory from my childrens' lives? Maybe .01% of the time. Normally, my thoughts are more in the vain of "Am I totally messing my kids' lives up?", "Is there any hope that they will ever become believers?", "Am I putting stumbling blocks before them that will be so hard to overcome later?", "Am I training them in ways that will actually make it harder for them to trust God?", "Am I giving them the right words to say and right 'head-knowledge' without dealing with their heart and helping them realize their sinfulness?" So while my mind is set on "spiritual things" I don't think those anxious thoughts that focus on me actually qualify as setting my mind on things of the Spirit. Should I strive to obey God and train my children in righteousness? Most definitely. Should I occasionally step back and take a look at how things are going to ascertain whether I am doing things to engage their hearts? Of course. But, I should not attempt to accomplish their salvation. I seek God's grace to throw the seed and water it, but it is God who is the only one who can give the increase.

"Enable me Lord, in this area in particular, to set my mind of the things of the Spirit, and not on fear masking as righteous concern."

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