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proverbs for parenting

Recently I have been very convicted about my lack of diligence in training our children. Albeit, the past few months have been crazy, but eventually I knew that I needed and wanted things to get back to where I thought we were at least pointed in the right direction, even if we weren't making any progress. So Don and I talked about things this past Sunday afternoon. Big things like - the vision and direction of our family and small things like - what steps do we take each day to be going that direction. He asked me to start going through Proverbs and making a list of categories of verses regarding a parent's responsibility to instruct and discipline their children and the blessings and warnings given to parents and children alike if they don't heed God's instruction. This morning I read through the first 12 chapters online and though I haven't got to the classic "discipline your child" verses yet, I found many that definitely increased my conviction that this is a worthy pursuit. Once I get through the book, I'll post what I have found. I know there are several books on this subject and at least one with the very name "Proverbs for Parenting", and though I will most likely make use of those in the future, I find that I "get" stuff more if I'm the one digging it out. Pray for me that the Spirit of God will direct me as I "dig" and will show me the great wisdom of His word.

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