"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:1-2The question I am asking myself today based on these verses is "In what ways am I tempted to be conformed to this world?" Don and I talked about it at breakfast this morning. Without really having to think about it, I know one thing I struggle with (not so much right now, but it always comes and goes in intensity - and knowing me it will be a big struggle when the new baby is probably 5-6 weeks old) is the issue of the Bible's definition of womanhood and the popular culture's definition. Many times in the past the main idea on my radar has been the idea that I could make a more significant contribution to my family, etc. if I was primarily dedicated to a career outside the home. I don't have to go into this to validate this as our culture's "given". And I don't want to explain too much what thoughts I struggle with in case, honestly, it might make me stumble into that kind of struggle more today.
So Don asks, how do we fight it? (He had mentioned some things he's tempted to conform in also). Answers?: Saturate ourselves with the right and true thinking of Scripture. The arguments that I have in favor of being "tiger-lady-career-woman" vs. "lover-of-my-husband-and-children" are not truth. I can find truth in the Bible. True fulfillment. True contribution. True reminders that nothing good in my life would be possible without the mercy and grace of God and His enabling. Also, a great help has been to listen and read others reading Scripture and explaining what it means. This helps mostly because it gets the Scripture into my mind. It also helps to encourage me that I am not alone in the struggle or in the "living out" of Biblical womanhood. Some things that have greatly encouraged me to think rightly in this area:
Nancy Leigh DeMoss's Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free
Carolyn Mahaney's Feminine Appeal
Martha Peace's The Excellent Wife
Lots of Messages by Carolyn Mahaney on Biblical Womanhood in addition to recent one she gave at Covenant Life's Family Room (which I haven't listened to yet, but is on my iPod and should be a great listen).
Another way I have been greatly strengthened and encouraged in this fight to be transformed rather than conformed is through the sacrificial service of some dear ladies to me. These are women who have spoke of Biblical womanhood to me not only by reminding me of Scripture, but by showing me in their lives. Tears of thankfulness come to my eyes as I think about the countless phone calls, trips to the coffee shop, sitting across dining room tables, devotionals at baby showers, etc. that they have blessed me with when I looked at them through tear-stained eyes and said, "I can't do this." They always remind me of the high call of Scripture and the gracious God who ever prepares and enables us to do what He has called us to do. Thank you God for Judy Z., Tandy, Judy C. and so many others who through their words and lives have embodied Titus 2.