“Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18 “Grow in grace”—not in one grace only, but in all grace. Grow in that root-grace, faith. Believe the promises more firmly than you have done. Let faith increase in fulness, constancy, simplicity. Grow also in love. Ask that your love may become extended, more intense, more practical, influencing every thought, word, and deed. Grow likewise in humility. Seek to lie very low, and know more of your own nothingness. As you grow downward in humility, seek also to grow upward—having nearer approaches to God in prayer and more intimate fellowship with Jesus. May God the Holy Spirit enable you to “grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour.” He who grows not in the knowledge of Jesus, refuses to be blessed. To know him is “life eternal,” and to advance in the knowledge of him is to increase in happiness. He who does not long to know more of Christ, knows nothing of him yet. Whoever hath sipped this wine...
After having told several people about how much these messages and books have aided my spiritual journey, I thought it was time to have a place where they are all linked. Here's a start: Martha Peace Books: The Excellent Wife Attitudes of a Transformed Heart Damsels in Distress (on my wish list!) Audio: (presented at The Bible Church of Little Rock ) 2007 Women's Fall Conference: Martha's Testimony Hurt Feelings A Gentle and Quiet Spirit Manipulation Depression and Anxiety Questions and Answers 1998 (I have not listened to these, but I'm sure they are good.) The Feminist Gospel Vanity PMS Unbelieving Husbands Husbands That Will Not Lead Questions and Answers Carolyn Mahaney Carolyn and her three daughters write an excellent blog at www.girltalkhome.com . I highly recommend it! Books: Feminine Appeal (basically the To Teach What is Good series in book form) GirlTalk (for mothers and tween/teenage daughters) Shopping for Time Audio: You can download many of Carolyn...